Do you have a bookkeeping mess? Look no further as we are experts in bookkeeping clean-up services! Whether you are an accountant or business owner, we can help with paperwork, record-keeping, or a big bookkeeping mess. Our processes and the tools we use can make bookkeeping cleaner and much easier! To hear more on just how we can help clean up your books, follow the link here!
To start this process, we are going to need to hear from you. What exactly do you need? After this discussion, we will provide you with a written proposal with all the tasks and bookkeeping costs. Once all that is agreed upon, we are all set to go into our set-up meeting.
During the set-up meeting, we’ll get the bank access we need, access to Quickbooks, and whatever else you have records in. Over the next few weeks or months, we go over the records and try to get them into the right format. We want to make sure that our records make sense to you as ultimately you will be giving them to your tax preparer.
At Sound Bookkeepers, we are trained in GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). According to certain rules of GAAP, we need to keep records in a certain way. Getting these records can be difficult as they may not always come in a neat stack but instead, they can be in a huge, unorganized pile. There’s no need to worry as we’ll know how to deal with all of your records. The best way to get your records to us is electronic, but it’s not required. We’ll be able to get them into the format necessary regardless.
To get from wherever you are from the beginning to wherever you are at the end, can be a fast process or a slow process. One thing that makes it slow is when we don’t get the records from the people who have them. If you have all of the records, the process will be much faster.
Ultimately, we’d like to get these records into an accounting system such as Quickbooks. Sometimes the records already come in a Quickbooks file, but it is a mess. This isn’t a problem as we can get the file fixed up and organized to your liking.
There is a balance to how long things take, how much it costs, and how accurate you need it. If you have a three-year clean-up project because you are being audited, it may make sense to get down to the penny on perfection. But even in an audit, if you simply have something in the wrong category, it won’t matter as long as it is reasonable and deductible. What truly matters is when your records don’t add up. You have to know what numbers to use and what numbers the IRS is looking for. We know exactly what the IRS looks for in an audit, what investors look for, and much more.