If you were referred here by one of our trusted bookkeeper colleagues, we offer a free consultation as well as 15% off our services. Call or schedule a time to talk and we will answer your questions at no cost.
You can schedule a free call below or call our free answer line at 206 794 3864 ext. 2 and talk to someone now. Here is what one of our partners had to say.
“I have had the pleasure of working in partnership with Russ over the past few years. From having worked with clients that he referred to me, I can tell he is an excellent bookkeeper and has a firm understanding of how best to serve his clients’ needs. He also understands my scope of practice and thus is able to refer clients to me that he knows I will be able to help. I am very appreciative of our partnership and the opportunity to work with Russ and our mutual clients.”
Certified Public Accountant